Sunday, March 18, 2007

New York City Anti-War Protest, March 18, 2007

Photos from todays Anti-war protest march. I'm always intrigued by protesters...people that come together from all walks of life around one common cause. In this case, to protest the war in Iraq. The protest was as peaceful as could be expected. It is after all, the day after St. Patty's day, and most of the city was indoors with the shades drawn, nursing hangovers! :-D

Enjoy the slideshow, and be sure to turn your volume UP! :-) Click the arrow button to begin playing.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

"The Art of the Nude" Book Project 2007

The images that appear below are a very small sampling of the 400 pictures I shot yesterday for a forthcoming book, being published out of London, England. The 200-plus page hardcover coffee table book will feature ten photographers from around the world (I've been selected to represent the USA) showcasing our nude photography. Additionally, there will be sections that include biography, artist statement and an essay about the days shoot. There will also be reportage photographs of each photographer "in action" showing how they work, from the time the model arrives, through post production. This is a VERY exciting opportunity for me, as I get to really test the European market with my work. I can expect lots of exposure as the first run of books will be somewhere around 40,000 copies! Subsequent copies will be printed in various other languages. More about the book when it's finally printed in May and distributed in the fall of this year.

In the meantime, click each photo thumbnail to ENLARGE the image for your viewing pleasure. :-) These are a sample of my very latest nude work, and the model featured is HERCULES. Obviously, I won't post the images I've selected for the book (you'll have to wait for those), so i guess you can see these are the "outtakes". Enjoy!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Recent Images March 2007

On the journey... just shootin; stuff.

Looking around,
being aware of my self,
and the beauty around me,
never once minding,
that all that I see,
is carried with me.

Shadow Sculptures

Lobby, Turner Towers

"Levees, Not War"


Plant and shadows

Flea Market Vendor-Musician

"Black Opulence"

Capoeira, First Saturday at the Brooklyn Museum