Saturday, October 03, 2009

In a perfect light...

in a perfect light,
there would be no fear
only a dedication to
living one's own truth

in a perfect light,
there would be no me
or you
just us
--Together as a One-- (which is what Sibanye means in Xhosa)
a true brotherhood
who speak in the name
of our fallen soldiers

in a perfect light,
there would be no shame
nor shadow
just the continuous glow of
pride and self-respect

in a perfect light,
we would see each other
and know each other's names

in a perfect light,
there would be life
beyond the box.

Dedicated to the life and memory of Sibanye Crimes who transitioned to another place on Tuesday September 29th, 2009.

Note: I hardly knew Sibanye apart from the occasional Adodi-NY gatherings I've attended, but the loss of yet another Adodi brother is what inspired me to take the still life photographs and write this piece. I'll always remember him smiling broadly and for his dedication he showed to the African American Community by organizing various activities including book club meetings at Hue Man Bookstore in Harlem.

RIP, Sibanye...

View another moving tribute to Sibanye here at the Center of Inquiry:

1 comment:

K. Koromantee said...

Very nice, ocean. but then that's just you-- perfect light!!!